There was that time when I was 25 year old, I was planning my wedding, and I had just passed the bar exam. I was hired as a deputy district attorney fresh out of law school where I began a career as a prosecutor working 50 hours a week, carrying a heavy caseload, and appearing daily in court. That season lasted for nearly five years. In that time, I learned trial skills, stress management, and how to think on my feet. I wore suits and heels and a string of pearls as I walked the halls of justice representing the people of the State of California. It was exciting, but in truth, it was also exhausting, and by year five I was burned out.
Soon after I gave birth to my daughter and two years later my son. With them came a new season. I quit the practice of law and became a stay at home mom, changing diapers, documenting every month of growth, nurturing them, and reading stories every night. It was a different kind of weary, one that came the lack of sleep from being a new parent and meeting the needs of small children. When they became toddlers, I set up art easels, took them to the playground, and introduced them to all the wonders of the world.
Then came elementary school which had its own level of busyness. School lunches, after school sports and activities, playdates and birthday parties. The distance between the career woman I had been and the stay at home mom that I was continued to grow, but I loved the season I was in and what I was doing.
Once my children were in elementary school, I had more time during the day. I reinvented myself as a real estate investor, DIY/design blogger, a creative, and an artist. As this blog grew, my work became noticed and I had so many opportunities come my way to partner with big brands and opportunities to appear on television. I loved my life, the work I was sharing online and the people I was meeting as a result. We bought houses to flip in the local area, invested and flipped two homes in Las Vegas where my parents lived, and bought a fixer upper in Florida.
I had the opportunity to travel to many different and inspiring places. I counted the number, in 12 years I was lucky to visit 23 countries. Travel became my obsession, my passion, I loved taking pictures of what I was witnessing around the world, people began noticing my photography, so I launched an online print shop.
Then came the season when my children were babies no more and in their place were two teenagers. With it came mood swings and teenage angst. Driving lessons and homecoming dances. Kids that were too cool to be seen with me. And in the place where two children used to be emerged two clever, loveable young adults with their Gen Z humor. They made me laugh, they brought me new challenges and more joy.
Then all of a sudden the youngest turned 18. I took the deepest breath, my children were grown.
Now that they were self sufficient, I had more time to myself. I spent the summer in Florida, sleeping in, enjoying slow mornings, reading books, and watching sunsets at the beach. I had reached a place of true peace with days filled with sunshine and the blessings of two happy and healthy grown adults.
I had the best summer of my life, it felt like a reward. I took my daughter on her first trip to Europe and spent time with family on the east coast. In August, I closed up the house and came home to California. My daughter returned to university and my son started his job, and finally the house was empty.
And I loved it. For about two weeks. It was quiet, it was clean, it was peaceful, it was lovely. But it wasn’t satisfying in the way I had dreamed it would be.
When you’re raising a family often you pray for just one day when you can have that empty peaceful house that’s not littered with shoes by the door, dishes in the sink, and endless piles of laundry. But when the piles are gone you realize those are the signs of life that you miss.
The good news is, in their place are the memories you were so fortunate to create. The closets are now filled with keepsakes from their childhood. There are boxes filled with the projects and artwork from their youth. The pencil lines on the wall mark their physical growth through the years. The framed photos around the house remind you of how blessed you are to have a beautiful family.
I felt life had become comfortable, but stagnant. I didn’t feel challenged. I didn’t feel that buying a new flip house for content or profit would fulfill me. I didn’t want to remodel my existing spaces, I like them the way they are. I wondered how I could find challenge and purpose once more.
So on a whim I looked up whether any law firms in my area were looking for attorneys. Sure enough, a civil litigation firm in my town was looking for an experienced trial lawyer to join them. I didn’t have a resume anymore, it had been twenty years, so I created a new one. I wrote a cover letter introducing myself. The next day I had a phone interview and the day after that a job offer. It was serendipitous how quickly it happened, like it was meant to be. As if this was the new path I was destined to take. I quickly purchased a few new suits to wear and polished the pearl necklaces I had tucked away so many years ago.
It’s amazing how life can change in a moment. This month looks completely different from the last, and I’ve found myself living a totally different Monday through Friday life. In an unexpected plot twist, another season of change has swept into my life.
For the past month I’ve been practicing law in an unfamiliar arena. Civil litigation is very different than criminal prosecution so it felt very much like how I felt as a brand new lawyer over two decades ago, but this time I had years of trial experience under my belt. I’ll admit when I jumped in I was nervous, and had a big case of imposter syndrome. Could I really do this again?
The first week was tough, like trying to drink from a fire hose. The second week I started to get it. The third week I was understanding most of what I was doing, and by the fourth week I was entrusted with my own caseload. Like riding a bike, I rediscovered all of my legal skills were still with me.
Growth happens just outside your comfort zone which is where I am in this present season. I find my work to be challenging in every way possible, and like learning a new language, it’s easier when you immerse yourself in it. So that’s where my focus has been for a month, relearning the law and all the strategies of civil litigation so I can, once again, be a very good lawyer.
I like the energy of my office, it has windows floor to ceiling where I look out upon golden hills and blue skies. I have an amazing mentor and support staff. I have benefits and the flexibility to work remotely. I feel valued, appreciated, and I’m doing important work that feels both stimulating and challenging.
As a result, our family will be staying in California indefinitely, and instead of living in Florida, we will be taking trips to our home there as much as we can. I left a piece of my heart in Sarasota and I look forward to the days when I can return to feel the relaxation I’ve always felt in that region of the country.
My friends, yes you can reinvent yourself again, and again, and again. There are no rules to this thing. You can pivot and start something new. Seasons of change can be scary but they can be exciting too.
It doesn’t need to be a career change. It can be something as simple as cutting your hair and changing your wardrobe. Taking a new course and turning toward a new dream. Learning about anything you find interesting that could take you in a different direction. Following the breadcrumbs of curiosity that may lead you to unexpected places.
What does my new position mean for this blog? Rest assured, I’m not going away! I’ve built this blog and a relationship with readers for fifteen years. I will not abandon it. It may take me another month or two to acclimate to my work schedule and balance necessary billable hours with rest, but I will still be here.
If being a creative is not your job, it’s still important to having a creative life beyond your job. It relaxes the mind and soothes the soul. I’ll keep making art, adding prints to my art shop, and sharing those releases on social media. I’ll post about travels (I still haven’t shared several international trips) and also the things I’m loving or trends I’m noticing. I’m committed to keeping up with the Sunday Weekend Reading roundup posts which I know are a favorite.
For now, I won’t have the time or energy to do major DIY projects or write in depth design articles during the week as I focus on my new position. But I still keep pinning all my ideas for building a Mediterranean home in Sonoma in the near future, and I have visions of a dream vacation home in Florida. So when those opportunities come, which I’m convinced they will, I will share those new endeavors here.
Meanwhile, I’ll continue to post on social media when I’ve published something new on the blog so keep me in your feed or continue to follow along on Instagram.
Thank you for sticking with me all these years I’ve been sharing projects and post on this blog. Words cannot express my gratitude. I still feel very connected to you. Be sure to stop by from time to time and say hello, I’ll still be here.
Congratulations on the renewed career! It’s fantastic that you’re able to pop back in after so long away — a testament to your capabilities. Enjoy!
Thank you so much Karen!
This was so moving! Congratulations on your new position. I love the example you set of self-confidence, of reinvention and of gratitude. It is inspiring and I look forward to the next itineration of the blog.
So kind Alisha thank you so much!
Wow! what an inspiring and thoughtful piece. Good for you for not sitting in place but being proactive to move forward. Good Luck! You are a wonderful role model for your children too.
I’ve followed you for years (redid my guest bathroom in 2010-11 using Lowe’s headboard wallpaper-still looks good!) and love to see your transitions and growth.
haha yes the beadboard wallpaper from Lowe’s, love it. They also have beadboard paneling, equally as cool! And of course I’m a fan of their white hardboard paneling, I’ve used it time and again for board and batten and also shiplap!
You can see BOTH the beadboard wallpaper and the shiplap in this bathroom reveal!
I’m just floored. I had no idea you started out as a lawyer. You are truly a renaissance woman and one of the most impressive people I have “met”.
And so, so inspiring.
I will take this to heart and remember your words in the days to come, as another reinvention is in my future and I’m not sure where it takes me.
Oh Gray thank you and yes “surprise!” I was and still am an attorney. But I’m also creative and I love design and I love travel and I love architecture, and so yes I’m multifaceted and can’t imagine living life any other way.
Wow Kate!
I applaud you for spending those years putting your children and your role as a mother as top priority!
It is valuable to train children and be there for them.
I enjoy your blog because you stick to your original intent which is (I think) to encourage others.
Your posts on travel, art, diy, plants and so much more have encouraged me and you never made me feel like you were trying to sell me something!
I used to follow many bloggers, but yours is the only one I read regularly because I don’t get the feeling that you are being paid as an influencer.
I pray this new endeavor will be fulfilling and inspiring for you and your family! Blessings!
Wow Lisa what a compliment! I admit I struggle sometimes with the “let me sell you something today” aspect of blogging and I don’t want to feel that constant pressure especially as I minimize my own belongings more and more. However I also recognize that we live in a world where new and beautiful and inventive things are available to us so I recognize that sharing them has value too. Thank you for your continuing to follow along, it truly means the world to me.
I was curious where this post was going as I’m in a similar situation with a freshman and sophomore in college…and well this is very exciting, congratulations!! I’ve been a long time reader and I wish you well at your new position! I do love the Weekend Reading links and your travels, thank you for sharing.
I love the Weekend Reading too! Can’t quit, won’t quit.
Having kids in college is cool, they leave, they come back, they leave, they come back, and each time they’re a slightly different, more advanced version of the person they are destined to become. It’s fantastic.
What an excellent, well-written post on your journey. I love have you re-invent yourself
and continue to grow and enjoy life. Good luck!
thank you Pam for your words of encouragement.
Bravo Kate !!!! You are more sensational than ever !!! Absolutely brilliant move. Congratulations and thank you for this beautiful post
Aw thanks Christine! I’m loving it, I’m so stimulated and it’s so nice to have colleagues. For years I’ve worked alone, there are benefits to that, but how lovely to have fellow attorneys to share stories and support.
From one lawyer to another – Congratulations! It’s so hard to break back into a lawyer job once you’ve been out for so long! Wishing you the best!! When my youngest turned 18, I became a foster parent because I wasn’t ready to be done “mothering”. Still practicing law full time but loving on some precious foster kids as well. Stressful as ever though!!
thank you so much! My supervising attorney is a foster parent too and he shared pictures with me of all the kids he has fostered with his wife. It’s a very special person who becomes a foster parent, bless you for being one of them.
What an inspirational and beautifully written post. Thank you for sharing your life journeys with us.
thank you for reading Monica.
Wow that is awesome I really admire your courage! Best wishes!
thank you so much Karen!
Loved this post so much. As someone in the same phase of life who followed a similar path (although you have more talent than I will ever have!), it was relatable and so inspiring. Congratulations on your new position! I’m excited for you and wish you the very best.
Thank you Sue. Whatever it is that bonds us in this phase of life, I wish you the very best. My only piece of (unsolicited) advice is to always trust your intuition, it’s usually correct.
What a fascinating life you’ve lived and are living
Oh wow thank you Gail, we each have our own right? I wrote a post many years ago about how everyone has a story and we won’t hear it. I forgot about it until you reminded me.
You can read it here:
Wishing you all the best in this new chapter. I didn’t know law was your background, but I’m glad you’ll still be creating here!
Thanks Raquel, I have a few creative ideas for the holidays, will be sharing them soon! It’s hard with the time change to photograph so I’ll have to be strategic and take pictures in the early morning or weekend, but I’ll find a way.
Thank you, Kate, for taking the time to let us know about you in a very transparent manner. I am continually inspired by you! Keep up the good work in all aspects that bring you joy!!
Thank you Rhonda, “transparent” what a word. I love it. It’s the key to authenticity.
Thank you for sharing this piece and about the various phases of your life. Best wishes in your new job. You are so thoughtful about each of your different roles in life: lawyer, motherhood and family, creative, traveler, and now law again. I have enjoyed your blog for many years.
Thank you Sarah, sometimes there’s that little voice that says “don’t be so vulnerable” but then I remember that being real is so much more valuable than pretending to be something you’re not. I appreciate you reading the blog, thank you so much.
Congratulations!!! Such a beautiful post.
Thank you Jodie. :)
Congratulations! This is indeed a brave jump, and I am happy it is everything what you have imagined it to be. I have to admit, I was reading the post with a lump in my throat, because I was afraid you were about to quit the blog. I have been reading you almost since day one, and I am so happy you are staying here as well. Wishing you fun packed workdays! Many greetings from Budapest.
I feared readers would think I was quitting too, thank you for reading until the end Veronika, no way am I abandoning this space! I have too much to share and appreciate all who stop by I feel so very very lucky and blessed to have strangers who feel more like friends invested in my little corner of the internet. Thank you so much for your comment and for sticking with me. And Budapest? TOP of my list of places to visit, I have read so many good things about your glorious city.
Congratulations! As a former attorney and California native I have followed you for years. I am close to you in Sacramento. Your story is inspiring. I have always wanted to do more creative things, but have yet to take the leap. Your story shows that nothing has ever permanent. Thank you and good luck!
Thank you Jennifer, and agreed! Change can be scary but learning not to fear the unknown keeps us adventurous and fortune favors the brave. :)
I am thrilled to hear that you will still share your creative self with us on your blog! I have followed along for several years and appreciate your thoughtful reading selections, beautiful renovations, art, and photos. Thank you for sharing your beautiful soul with us over the internet!
So kind Jennifer, I appreciate you so much for continuing to read along, I’m so very grateful.
So happy for you Kate! Life’s chapters you have shared, are motivating and inspirational. You are the only blogger I follow-your content is diverse and resonates with me. My favorite DIY that I get to look at daily is a dresser painted years ago using your tutorial-came out fantastic! From an inexpensive jacket at Target, to reservations at a restaurant in Sonoma, or a favorite neck pillow for flights, your experiences are honest ones and your readers feel it. And your travel photos-such talent! This native Floridian was excited when you bought the house in Sarasota. I knew ideas about how to style and design it, would be fresh creative material. A big thank you for many years of sharing yourself with us all and I wish you personal fulfillment in this next adventure!
Oh where do I start Cheryl. I’m so happy you received benefit from that DIY painting post, I still use those techniques. Tar-jay for the win on some very cool jackets, yes! I hope you enjoyed whatever restaurant I recommended in Sonoma, there are several that are superb. And a few new ones too! And oh how my heart misses Florida, truly I think about it every day. I long to get back. Good news, I can work remotely so you better believe I’ll be taking long weekends in Sarasota and renting our home out in between visits. I have a million fond memories of that special place. Thank you for your good wishes.
Congratulations. I did not know you were a lawyer. I’ve followed you for years and so happy you are not going anywhere. Hopefully you’ll make it back to my hometown Melbourne, Australia one day.
thank you Rita, oh how I miss Melbourne, especially that speakeasy that looks like east side west side Germany, and the dumplings place downtown (best ever!), and all the architecture and scenery of that beautiful city you’re so lucky to live in. I will come back and this time a ferry ride to Tassy (or is it Tazzy) and a road trip adventure there too. My cousin lives in Geelong I look forward to a return.
Congratulations! Your story touches me because it reminds me of my own. I worked as an electrical engineer for 5 yrs. out of college, and then became a SAHM for 2 daughters for 17 years. We moved all over the world with my husband’s career. After 17 years, someone actually contacted me out of the blue and asked if I would come interview for an electrical engineering position! I gave him several reasons why I probably wasn’t a very good candidate to hire. He told me what I’ve been doing the past 17 years is way more difficult than doing the job for which I was “interviewing”. He hired me, the company has grown from 8 people to now 400, and I still can’t believe how it all happened. I wish you luck and thank you for sharing!
what an incredible story Cindy, bravo! proof that your skills stay with you and always have value.
thank you for sharing!
It was a joy to read your reminiscing and to learn that you are exploring a new and yet familiar creative endeavor in the form of your new job. I’ve loved reading your blog for years and years, and I will look forward to reading whenever you have the time and inclination to share more in the future. Best wishes to you as you navigate this new season, and congratulations!
Thank you so much Brie! I truly appreciate you following along and your good wishes.
What a lovely post. Your journey is beautiful as you’ve been present in and enjoyed each stage. Your work has helped me and I wish you all the best in this next chapter.
You never fail to entertain, inspire and encourage use. You are a unique spirit. Congrats on seeking another outlet for your creativity and curiosity. I’ve followed you off and on for a long time and so enjoy every project, blog post, etc immensely. Good luck!
I so happy for you starting your new adventure. You and your blog have always been such an inspiration to me and I wish you all the best!
Wow what a great story, when I saw your roundup I had to come back and see what your life change was! Exciting Kate, congrats to you and all the best! xoxo
CONGRATULATIONS! Best wishes to you in your new career endeavor!
All the very best wishes Centsational Kate! I have learned many of my artistic skills from you and following your blog of projects. I absolutely adore your style and writing ✍️ 🥰 I often go back to your projects for inspiration in my own life. I am winding down my professional career into retirement; however, I still love to work, stay busy, and hope for similar re-inventing of myself into the artistic world. You are an inspiration and your confidence is contagious. Thank you! Sincerely, Linda
What a lovely message, thank you so much for your sentiments Linda!
Hi Kate – How exciting for you to be able to get back to the profession you did before blogging. It sounds like you are really enjoying it. I have been blogging for a long as you have. The web and blogging sure have changed since 2009. I have been feeling the pull to head into a new direction myself… into retirement. :-) At 65 I don’t want to quit, but instead take it all a bit slower and enjoy other pursuits. I am not sure what they will be yet, but the winds of change are on the horizon for me also.
Wishing you the best in your law career 2.0. XO
Hello my friend! I understand your desire to shift into a different season but still keep your blog going at a slower pace. I have always enjoyed your company when we see each other at blog events and I’m a forever fan of your blog. I look forward to your weekend roundup posts and delight in them every time!
Sorry I am late to the party! I just got back from Europe and am catching up with the blog posts I missed while away. Congratulations to you on your new job! You never know where life will take you, and it is great that you are following your dreams. I will always read anything you post, however often that may be. I have enjoyed your blog for so long, and it is a great source of inspiration. I have worn many hats over the years as well, and I think it is just great that you are going back to your lawyer roots. Best of luck to you, and thanks for all of the great posts! I look forward to reading anything you feel like sharing.